

Sometimes our days require quick thinking 和 a change of clothes—or three. First, you have morning yoga, then work, then lunch 和 an afternoon coffee run. 即使在那之后, 足球训练还要停一站, 和你父母共进晚餐, 还有你面前的深夜塔吉特百货 最后 穿上睡衣,钻进你期待已久的被窝. 

换了很多衣服啊, 在你意识到之前,你已经有了一大堆五颜六色的衣服, 哪一个, 当然, 这就引出了你的周末日程:想办法把要洗的衣服分开.

Knowing 如何 to separate all the different colors 和 fabrics in your laundry is a special skill—but one that’s essential to keeping your clothes bright 和 your fabrics lasting longer. 幸运的是, 我们有一些小贴士可以帮助你成功洗衣服, 从区分光明和黑暗到选择最好的 环保洗衣粉.


The trick to keeping your garments 和 linens in top condition is knowing 如何 洗它们,哪些可以一起洗. 

幸运的是,把要洗的衣服分开并分类并不难. Generally, it can be accomplished in four easy steps, 哪一个 we’ll go through below:

  1. 阅读标签
  2. 按织物和类型分开
  3. 按颜色分离
  4. 按土壤水平分开

Properly categorizing 和 separating your laundry using these four steps ensures that every last sock, 三通, 毛巾, 并且薄片尽可能长时间地保持酥脆和有活力.


Did you know that most pieces of clothing actually come with their own 如何-to manual of washing instructions? That’s right—that tiny label sewn into your clothing contains all the secrets to keeping your clothing in prime condition during the wash cycle.

Care labels indicate several important facts about your garment, 包括:

  • 织物类型及内容
  • 机洗温度
  • 漂白剂宽容
  • 熨烫的指导方针
  • 推荐的干燥周期
  • 需要干洗或手洗

Most of these facts are even depicted in international laundry care symbols (those mysterious circles, 三角形, 和 squares) that you can take in at a glance with a little study 和 practice.

有一个因素我们可以把它划掉? 机洗温度. 多亏了洗涤剂和洗衣机技术的进步, 几乎所有的衣服都可以用冷水洗. 这 also has the double benefit of saving electricity 和 extending the lifespan of your clothing 和 washables.

当你开始把那堆衣服分成几小堆的时候, it’s vital that you first check that an item can tolerate machine washing. 如果护理标签显示 洗手 or 只能干洗, put the item aside to drop off at your local dry-cleaner (preferably an eco-conscious one), 或者手洗. 





Just like you organize your wardrobe to help you choose the most appropriate pairings for your daily activities, you’ll also need to classify 哪一个 of your washables go together based on fabric type. 这并不意味着你需要仔细检查 确切的 织物内容或每件物品的使用. 而不是, we suggest you separate your machine-washable laundry into these broad groupings of different fabrics:


  • 床单和毛巾 – Because of their size (和 tendency to twist 和 tangle around your smaller clothes), 大件衣物最好分开洗.
  • 牛仔布 牛仔牛仔裤可以和牛仔衬衫搭配吗? 如何清洗的问题也同样有争议. 然而,有几件事是肯定的. You’ll want to turn them inside out 和 wash on delicate with cold water. 分开洗也是个好主意. 由于其厚重的织物和倾向于保持水和脱落靛蓝染料, 牛仔裤和其他牛仔衣服会影响你的其他衣服.
  • 精致和编织 – Machine washing delicate items 和 knits runs the risk of stretching the fabric out of shape, 或者甚至在其他物品上划破它们. 为了防止这种情况, we advise that you always wash your delicates 和 knits in a mesh washing bag, 与其他项目分开, 然后进入你的机器最平缓的循环.
  • 运动服 我们喜欢用酵素洗涤剂洗运动服 含有酶的ECOS低过敏性洗衣粉 that will help break the bonds of the oil 和 grime on the inner surfaces.
  • 休闲 -这可能是你每周最多的一堆, with everything from your PJs 和 三通s to those cute animal print socks 和 that pair of sweatpants you can’t wait to put on every day. 休闲衣物也包括卡其裤等日常衣物, 运动衫, 棉夹克, 和耐用的合成纤维服装. 通常,这些物品可以在常规机器设置上洗涤.


想要像雪一样的洁白和永不褪色的光亮? Separating your clothes by color is the golden ticket to keeping those not-so-welcome color changes from happening inside the washer. 


Generally, this step applies only to casual clothing since it’s your largest 和 most diverse pile. 但要让这些色调与你的时尚感保持一致, knowing 如何 to wash white clothes 和 如何 to wash colored clothes are both very important steps to underst和 before putting them in the washing machine.


  • 白人 -这意味着纯白色的物品,而不是淡色调的物品. (别担心,这里也有他们的位置.)
  • 这一箱装着你苍白的衣服. 虽然它们确实有一些色素, the lighter hues mean they can’t share a load with brights or dark clothes that might transfer color into the wash water. 
  • 明暗相间 -一般来说,亮色和深色可以一起洗. The caveat for 如何 to wash colored clothes is that you should always wash a bright or dark item alone the first time to make sure most excess dye is out of the fabric.




  • 重的土壤 -这些物品特别脏,可能需要预先浸泡, spot-treating, 或者额外的冲洗周期来去除:
    • 污垢
    • 油  
  • 常规的土壤 -这是所有的东西. 简单,对?


Make sure you look into 如何 to get oil stains out of clothes along with any other stubborn stains that fall into the heavy soil category before you throw them into the washing machine, 比如用我们的 ECOS OxoBrite多用途去污剂


这是排序! 现在?

一旦你的衣服被分类,你就可以开始洗了. 这听起来很简单, 而是在洗衣机的不同循环之间, 速度, 和 temperatures (和 your dryer’s multitudinous spaceship-like settings), 它会开始让人感到难以承受. 

While you should always refer to your garment label, here are some general laundry guidelines:

  • 洗涤剂 -虽然有很多洗涤剂可供选择, your best bet is to choose something that’s kind to your clothes—as well as your skin 和 the environment. 我们喜欢我们的 含有酶的ECOS低过敏性洗衣粉 当事情变得特别混乱时,我们的 ECOS植物动力洗衣粉床单 你会选择一个易于使用,零浪费的选择吗. 
  • 周期速度和长度 -对于大多数洗衣,一个固定的周期长度和速度是合适的. However, always use a low or delicate setting for your knits 和 delicates.
  • 干燥时间和温度 – While spending some time in a sauna might sound like a dream most of us, 干衣机是你的大部分衣服受损的地方. 衣服一干就把它拿出来, 无论是热干的毛巾还是低干的精致毛巾, is essential to preserving the fabric at its peak (和 avoiding extra wrinkles from waiting too long).

Other tips that will help you maximize your washing 和 drying power are:

  • 把衣服翻过来再扔进篮子里
  • 使用分隔的洗衣篮预先分类衣物 
  • 一定要对污渍进行预处理
  • 用网袋装精致的物品
  • 洗满衣服以节省能源
  • 尽可能晒干
  • 用冷水洗涤可节省高达90%的能源
  • 在非繁忙时间洗澡(下午4点前或晚上7点后)
  • Clean your dryer’s lint trap after every load, allowing it to work faster 和 use less electricity


Choosing a 洗涤剂 That’s Safer for You, Your Clothes, 和 the Environment

Before you head out to buy laundry detergent 和 complete your transformation into a laundry separating 天才,你也应该知道哪些成分应该避免. 

Some common detergents contain chemicals that can be toxic 和 irritating to both us 和 the environment, 包括:

  • 染料
  • 1,4 -二恶烷
  • 含氯漂白剂
  • 光电镀
  • 甲醛

而不是, choose something that’s skin-safe 和 eco-conscious, like laundry detergents from ECOS.



我们一直致力于创造 环保清洁十大彩票网赌平台 50多年来. Our laundry detergents are made with readily biodegradable formulas to get you the best wash while still keeping our planet safe from harmful ingredients. In fact, we’ve even created a list of over 500 harmful chemicals to watch out for, called 它们.