

比起手洗碗的苦差事, 我们家的洗碗机有时看起来很瘦, 的意思是, 清洗机. 但 in an age when most of us 是 re-examining how our choices affect the health of the environment, 你可能想知道你的洗碗机是否也是绿色的.

说到使用洗碗机和洗碗机. 手洗碗,哪种选择更可持续?

While dishwashers typically allow for the more efficient use of water and energy resources, there’s more to consider when weighing which method is more beneficial for our earth. 从洗碗机的品牌和型号到你使用洗碗机的方式, some helpful tips can ensure that your dishwashing results in both cleaner plates and a cleaner planet.


当涉及到理解 如何洗碗 the sustainable way, you may be wondering if hand washing or using a dishwasher is better. 如果你习惯手洗, kicking back to watch your favorite show while your dishwasher does all the work can feel like the height of luxury. 


The answer is complicated, but in most cases, science suggests dishwashers can help, not hurt. Studies have found that comp是d to households without dishwashers, households that have them use1:

  • 每件清洁物品减少50%的水
  • 每件清洁物品减少28%的能源消耗

这似乎表明,当涉及到使用洗碗机和洗碗机时. 手洗,洗碗工是拳击冠军,对吧? 

这取决于. 一般来说,使用洗碗机可能会节省一些水、能源和时间. 但 the energy efficiency of your specific dishwasher and how you use it can also affect how well your dishwasher performs—for you and the environment.


如果你选择手洗盘子或使用洗碗机, 你可能想知道它们的用水量. 你可以听到水在周围晃动. You may even be able to envision your plates transforming into sparkling-clean specimens. 但 洗碗机要用多少水 和在水槽里洗衣服比起来? 

If you have a newer model dishwasher, there’s a good chance it carries an 能源之星® 标签a认证.S. 旨在帮助消费者识别节能十大彩票网赌平台.2

对洗碗机, that label mostly 的意思是s that the machine uses an efficient amount of energy and water per load. 

然而,并不是所有的洗碗机都能达到节水的标准. In particular, some older models can be much less efficient comp是d to modern dishwashers. 有多少? 让我们把它们并排比较一下:

  • 年长的洗碗机 use between 10 and 15 gallons of water per cycle, according to the Water Research Foundation.3
  • 另一方面, 能源之星洗碗机 每次循环只使用3加仑.4

这听起来可能不是每天都有如此巨大的差异,但它会累积起来. 能源之星洗碗机 can save an average of 3,870 gallons of water over their lifetime.

的共识? 如果你的洗碗机是能源之星认证, you’re probably doing more for the environment by using it than washing your dishes by hand. 事实上, washing by hand can use up even more water than some older dishwashers—depending on how much time you spend doing dishes.

厨房水龙头的平均用水量约为2加仑.每分钟2加仑水. 假设你用手洗一大堆盘子需要15分钟. Assuming you run the faucet for the full 15 minutes, you’re going to use over 30 gallons of water. That’s almost three times as much water as your 能源之星-labeled dishwasher requires.


你的用水量对你的洗碗效率有很大影响, 但这并不是唯一需要考虑的事情. 我们如何使用洗碗机对它们的可持续性也起着很大的作用. 这些因素包括:

  • 负荷的大小 -一般来说,当你的洗碗机装满的时候,你最好打开它. This optimizes the amount of energy and water it uses in relation to the number of dishes you wash.
  • 你的水是怎么加热的 -当水进入你的家, it’s at about a chilly 60 degrees—but the recommended temperature for your dishwasher is between 120–150 degrees.7 这意味着加热洗碗水需要一些能量.
  • 你使用的十大彩票网赌平台 – The detergent you use can also affect the size of the environmental impact you leave behind from washing dishes. 强g 植物动力清洁十大彩票网赌平台 能帮你减少有害毒素和 流入我们生态系统的化学物质.


说到给你的盘子完全消毒, ultra-hygienic清洁, 洗碗机是你最好的选择. 这是因为与手洗相比,洗碗工:

  • 使用更热的水 Those 120–150 degree water temperatures of your dishwasher can lead to a more hygienic clean that might not be achievable at the sink. 为了你的手和环境着想, 我们建议完全避免在水槽处使用这种烫伤温度.
  • 携带较少的细菌 Hand washing your dishes exposes them (and you) to harmful bacteria in your sponges and dish towels. 另一方面, the bacterium that’s commonly found in dishwashers is thought to be relatively safe for humans.8


As the dishwasher shines our plates to mirror-like perfection, it might seem like your job is done. However, it’s important to take every step we can to minimize the impact of our cleaning. Whether you’re using a water- and energy-efficient dishwasher or washing dishes by hand, 你可以用一些十大彩票网赌平台来清洁地球. 


  • 不节能的洗碗机会造成空气污染, 温室气体, 总体上碳足迹更大.9
  • 一些洗碗皂含有磷酸盐和石油等化学物质, 谁的有害影响最终会影响我们的水生生态系统.10
  • 这些化学物质也会在餐具上留下残留物, 也可能对我们的健康造成危害.

So, what should you do if your dishwasher gives your kitchen its own 90s throwback or you simply want to make your environmental efforts stretch even further? 幸运的是,有很多方法可以提高你的洗碗效率.


更环保的未来, hopefully we’ll all have more efficient water heaters and 能源之星-certified dishwashers. 与此同时, there 是 several things you can do to make your dishwashing more efficient and do your part for the planet.

Here 是 some key things to keep in mind the next time you’ve got a sinkful of dirty dishes:

  • 不要预先冲洗你的盘子 看起来预冲洗可以节省你的洗碗机工作, 但事实上, 最好跳过这一步. Rinsing your dishes before you put them into the washer wastes about 600 gallons of water per year, 根据消费者报告.11 相反,你应该刮掉盘子里剩下的食物,然后把它们装干.
  • 只满负荷运行 – Although it might be tempting to run your dishwasher with only your favorite coffee mug, 一个或两个盘子, 还有几件银器, 运行小负载将极大地损害您的效率. 满载可以最大限度地利用能源和水.12
  • 减少负载 – Aside from only running full loads, try to be aw是 of how often you run your dishwasher. 一般来说,我们建议每天不要运行洗碗机超过一次. 而不是, 想办法减少你用的盘子的数量, such as by limiting each person in your household to a daily water glass and coffee cup.
  • 当你使用洗碗机时要明智 如果你是一个多任务处理大师, 你可以以洗碗为荣, 洗车, 然后一下子把游泳池填满. 当你可以的时候, 然而, we suggest using your dishwasher when you and your family 是n’t already putting a strain on your home’s water resources. 例如, 晚上晚些时候跑步可能比早上跑步更好, 当每个人都用水洗澡和刷牙的时候.
  • 使用 安全deterg树人 -清洁餐具的十大彩票网赌平台要绿色环保. 不管你是用液体洗涤剂还是豆荚洗涤剂, 确保它是可生物降解的,不含磷酸盐或石油.13 ECOS洗碗皂和洗涤剂易于生物降解和U.S. EPA 安全的选择 certified, which makes them healthier for the planet and for your family.
  • 让你的盘子十大赌博官方正规网址风干 而不是使用机器内置的干燥选项, 放弃电扇和电吹风,用风干的方式烘干你的盘子. 当循环完成后,你可以打开门让多余的水分出来.
  • 检查洗碗机的温度设置 If you have a newer model of dishwasher, it may have come with a built-in temperature booster. This setting can raise the water temperature beyond what your regular water heater can reach. 对于大多数洗碗来说,这通常是不必要的. Setting the temperature booster to match your home’s water heater can help you save even more energy.


Whether you’re scrubbing greasy pots and pans by hand or cleaning food-stained plates and utensils in your dishwasher, ECOS拥有您需要的清洁剂,可以安全、可持续地完成工作.

50多年来,我们一直在帮助家庭保护环境我们更安全的家庭清洁十大彩票网赌平台. From laundry deterg树人 and hand soaps to cleaners, disinfectants, and, of course, 植物动力洗洁精 还有洗涤剂,我们的十大彩票网赌平台更安全 为了人类和地球.

当你想要一种对地球有益的特殊清洁时,你会想要ECOS. 我们洗,你擦干.



威利. 洗碗机的使用:家庭环境中消费者习惯的观察. http://onlinelibrary.威利.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1470-6431.2010.00973.x#
能源之星. 历史 & 成就.
家庭供水系统. 洗碗机. http://home-water-works.org/indoor-use/dishwasher 
国家资源保护委员会. 节约大量水的9个小技巧. http://www.十大赌博官方正规网址Resources保护委员会.org/stories/9-tricks-save-tons-water 
能源之星. 洗碗机. http://www.ENERGY STAR的级别.gov /Products/Dishwashers?qt-consumers_product_tab=2#qt-consumers_product_tab 
环境保护狂. 内置洗碗机和手洗洗碗机:哪个更环保? ​​http://www.Treehugger.com/built-in-dishwashers-vs-hand-washing-which-is-greener-4858791 
科幻门. 如何从你的洗碗机获得最佳性能. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/performance -Dishwashers- 24402.html 
《十大彩票网赌平台》. 如何装洗碗机. http://www.consumerreports.org/dishwasher/how-to-load-a-dishwasher-a6704518317/
哥伦比亚大学论坛. 洗碗机或手洗? 科学解决问题. http://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/2021/09/29/dishwashers-hand-washing-science-settles-score/8418843002/ 
真正的简单的. 这是一天中使用洗碗机的最佳时间. http://www.realsimple.com/home-organizing/cleaning/best-time-to-run-dishwasher-night 
的减少. 绿色洗涤剂vs. 传统:有什么区别? http://www.thelessen.com/eco-friendly-products/cleaning/laundry/green-detergents-vs-conventional-detergents/#harmful_effects_of_detergents_on_the_environment