10 Surprising & Affordable Ways to Reduce Toxins in Your Home

7 minute read

Mother and Daughter Laundry on Bed

我们理解为您和您所爱的人创造一个安全环境的重要性,同时又不会让您倾家荡产. 而购买有机食品是减少毒素的神奇一步, we know it can be a strain on the wallet.

然而,有许多负担得起的替代品可以帮助你创造一个更健康的家. In this blog post, 我们将公布经济有效的策略,以减少毒素,促进您生活空间的健康.

10) Prevent Pests Using Natural Methods – Not Pesticides

Pesticides can kill pests in your home, 但它们也会让你的家充满有毒化学物质. 这就是为什么许多专家建议用十大赌博官方正规网址方法来预防害虫.

Pesticides 是否与儿童哮喘、学习障碍、脑部疾病和发育问题有关. 宠物和儿童特别容易受到杀虫剂的影响.


  • Wash dishes and clean up food residue
  • Keep food packages tightly closed
  • Seal cracks through which pests could enter your home
  • Pull weeds instead of spraying herbicide on your lawn
  • 试试天然的防虫剂,比如辣椒粉、洗洁精和水

Mother with Baby Drinking Water

9) Invest in a Tap Water Filter Instead of Buying Bottled Water

Some people buy bottled water to reduce toxins in their home. On the other hand, buying bottled water can actually increase toxins in your home.

在美国,环保局严格控制当地饮用水的质量. 瓶装水也必须达到一定的标准,尽管这些标准 are less strict.

为你的自来水买一个过滤器——比如水槽下的过滤器. Filtered tap water can help you enjoy cleaner, safer drinking water without the additional carbon footprint.

8) Stop Wearing Shoes Indoors

If you want to limit toxins in your home, stop wearing shoes – or at least the same ones you wear outside.

Wearing shoes indoors can track germs, bacteria, chemicals, and other contaminants throughout your home. 无论你踩到什么,无论你的客人踩到什么,你都在把它们铺满你的家.

7) Change Furnace and Air Filters Every 3 Months

据专家介绍,炉膛和空气过滤器应每三个月更换一次. 事实上,一些人建议每个月更换一次,以最大限度地提高效率和室内空气质量.

The longer you wait before replacing a furnace or air filter, 效率越低,室内空气就会变得越脏. Mark your calendar and replace your air filters regularly.

ECOS Household Cleaning Products

6) Buy Affordably Priced ECOS Household Cleaning Products

许多家用清洁十大彩票网赌平台都含有有害化学物质. 这些化学物质在你打扫完后还会残留在空气中.

Safer cleaning products, on the other hand, 使用源自植物的成分和较少刺激性的化学物质,使用更安全的配方进行类似的清洁.

ECOS建立在负担得起的原则之上,因为我们相信每个人都有权利拥有一个健康的家. Today, 我们继续认识到这一价值,通过浓缩配方从我们的运营中提取成本,以更少的每负载或每盎司的钱为您提供更多的清洁能力, and reducing packaging to reduce waste and transportation costs. 无论你的预算如何,你都应该能够享受一个更干净、更安全的家.

5) Dust Your House Regularly

Despite cleaning often, dust inevitably builds up. Dust is made up of cells, fibers, pollen, bacteria, and a variety of dirt and toxins carried in from outside. Dusting regularly will reduce toxins in your home:

  • Vacuum weekly
  • 每次使用时请清洁真空袋和过滤器,以防止灰尘喷回空气中
  • 如果可能的话,用木头、瓷砖或非乙烯基油毡代替地毯
  • 灰尘经常出现,注意家里容易积聚灰尘的地方

4) Test Your Home for Lead Paint


你的家可能因毒素超载而不是你自己的过错. In fact, 许多老房子含有含铅油漆和其他有毒物质,可能会默默地危害健康.

一些地方卫生部门提供20到50美元的实验室油漆测试折扣. 或者,你可以聘请当地的专业人士在你家附近测试样品. 这是一笔小投资,可以带来内心的平静,也可以在你的健康受到影响之前提醒你重新粉刷你的房子.

3) Check for Radon Gas Leaks, Even in Newer Homes

老房子可能有含铅油漆,但所有年龄的房子都可能有氡气泄漏. 由于房屋地基下土壤的十大赌博官方正规网址分解,房屋中可能含有氡气. Even if your home is well-built and sealed, 你的氡气问题可能会悄无声息地危害你家人的健康.

氡气不仅仅是一种烦恼:它是一个危及生命的问题. Radon 吸入气体是肺癌的第二大诱因,仅次于吸烟.


Mother and Daughter Cleaning Bathroom

2) Check Plastic Bottles and Canned Goods for BPA

双酚A (BPA)是一种存在于某些类型的塑料瓶和罐装食品中的化学物质. There’s some debate over the danger of BPA, 但早期的研究已经将BPA与胎儿的发育问题和严重的健康风险联系起来, infants, children, and adults.

Check plastic bottles and canned goods for BPA. 如果你不确定,回收或重新利用塑料瓶并购买新的. Other tips include:

  • Choose water bottles with recycling symbols 1, 2, or 5 on them (avoid water bottles marked with a “7”) or, better yet, 避免使用一次性塑料瓶,使用可重复使用的水瓶. Same goes for coffee and tea mugs.
  • 避免用微波炉加热塑料食品容器,因为热量会导致塑料渗入食物中
  • 限制罐头食品的摄入量(许多罐头内衬有环氧树脂)
  • Store or microwave foods in glass or ceramic containers
1) Open Windows to Circulate Air

我们将以一个免费且被证明有效的建议结束:打开窗户让空气流通. 你的室内空气质量可能比室外空气质量差2-5倍,甚至100倍.

即使每天打开窗户几分钟也能帮助空气流通, refresh your home, and reduce indoor airborne contaminants.

In fact, this tip works even if you live in a polluted city. 如果你住在繁忙的道路附近,那么考虑在车辆较少的晚上打开窗户. 然而,所有的通风设备都可以帮助新鲜空气进入你的家.

总之,创造一个安全无毒的家并不一定要付出高昂的代价. By incorporating the compelling tips shared above, 你可以在不破坏银行的情况下,在减少生活空间中的毒素方面取得重大进展.